Tuesday, March 31, 2009 Accidental Hunting...

Map: No Mercy Sewers...
4v4 Versus...

I was a hunter sitting on the white building between the spawn safe room and the garage where the weapons can spawn...
We had a tank in the open area around the gas station, and he had the survivors in the shop front...
I decided to go help him, so I pounced high and far, managing to fly right over the shop building, and landed on Francis for 25 damage...
I didnt even see him there...

After he died, I jumped back up the onto the shop roof, and down the other side...
To land right on top of Zoey, who had just run through and closed the door on the tank...
Turns out our tank had just incapped Louis and Bill, and Zoey was the last one standing...
Win to us...

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