Monday, August 31, 2009 CGi R3 : v!x vs ((_crayons_((>

Map: Blood Harvest...
4v4 Versus...
CyberGamer Invitational Round 3...
v!x vs ((_crayons_((>

A few of the more intense moments, the couple over 20 damage pounces, and the forklift...

Saturday, August 29, 2009 Dead... Just dead...

Map: Dead Air 3...
4v4 Versus...

We had a tank just before the final walkway, and he took one of us out with the cars...
2 of us legged it to the safe room while I finished off the burning tank...
I took the kit off the dead guy, and started across the bridge...
While turning back and forth, I got hunted from behind... I got from 80 hp to incapped before my teammates opened the door to save me...

They then tried to come pick me up and got boomed, and one hunted...
The last guy went back to the safe room while we got hammered, then came back out to get us...
He got hunted and boomed too, and we all died... 10 metres from the safe room...
Ah the joys of pubs...

Thursday, August 13, 2009 WTF5 - InvinciLouis!!!

Map: No Mercy Sewers...
4v4 Versus...
CyberGamer Invitational Round 1...

Give the black man a cape after this one...!

WTF6 - The Witch and the Smoker...

Map:No Mercy Rooftop Finale...

Courtesy of Shadz from MHz, a wtf witch video from ages ago...
All i can say is the Witch should have gone after the boomer, not Shadz...!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009 Line em up...

Map: Dead Air Greenhouse...
4v4 Versus...

Smoker []patteh pulls Zoey off the roof, hanging her above the gap...
I pounce her into the gap, killing her instantly...
Pat then pulls Bill, and I again pounce him to his death...
Pat then pulls Louis, and again I pounce...
3 nicely lined up corpses... one life each for me and pat...